Close Quarters ConfrontationsThe majority of law enforcement officers are killed in confrontations that take place at under seven feet. The only answer given for how to win in these situations is "just shoot 'em." If it's that easy, why do officers keep getting killed? What we need is a fighting system that allows the defender to instantly and reflexively employ either deadly or non-deadly force while minimizing the assailant's ability to harm them. InSights Training Center Instructors have taken their practical individual experience and together developed a system that works. The problem with most systems is that there are too many decisions to make in too small a time period. It would be like carrying five guns of different types, shooting them all differently, and trying to choose which one to use under the stress of combat. The saying goes, "Beware of the man with one gun." Well, we say BEWARE OF THE INDIVIDUAL WITH ONE COMBAT SYSTEM! - the person who knows without hesitation exactly what he is going to do in any armed or unarmed conflict. In this course you will become such a person. You will learn a full unarmed combat system and an integrated firearms combat system. The course can be physically demanding depending on how hard you try, but everyone should come regardless of age or physical condition. You will only be asked to do what you can. The course will make extensive use of striking bags and protective padded suits (FIST gear) and you will be striking "opponents" with everything you have in combat simulations. Subjects Covered:
If you do not have a concealed weapons permit, here is a link to the WSP background check service. If you are not a WA resident, please find your state's equivalent service. |
Student TestimonialsI had the honor of attending Close Quarter confrontations. It was one of the most relevant and impressive courses I have ever attended. The instructors and course material were on point and can be used by everyone from concealed carriers to LEOs. Very well done! ~ Craig G., Yakima PD, WA |
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