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Fire & EMS Operations at Scenes of Violence

A growing danger confronting contemporary Fire and EMS personnel are responses related to violence. We are currently seeing all national firefighters undergoing various levels of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) training for responses to domestic and International terrorism. But have we thought about the safety of line firefighters in day-to-day operations?

This course will give you the skills and knowledge required to safely operate in the dangerous and volatile street environment.

Graduates of Operations At Scenes Of Violence (OSV) course will be able to integrate the following skills into their agencies standard Operating Guidelines: Management of Assault with Weapons Responses, Personal Body Armor, Emergency Radio Communications, Operations at Civil Disturbances and Bombing Incidents. Focus will be on keeping Fire/EMS personnel safe and limiting personal/departmental liability.

The OSV course curriculum includes the following subjects:

  • Awareness
  • Suspicious Vehicle Approach
  • The Armed Patient
  • Tactical Building Entry
  • Domestic Disturbances
  • Wound Ballistics
  • Toxic Hazards
  • Chemical Agents
  • Cover & Concealment
  • Patient Control & Restraint
  • Hostage Situations
  • Knife Defense
  • Care Under Fire
  • Extended Operations
  • Unarmed Defensive Tactics
  • Testifying In Court
You may also register by calling [425] 827.2552 or by email



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Dates & Locations

There are currently no scheduled dates for this course. Please contact us if you would like to schedule or host a class.

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